Update 2/23/2022 – I’ve written an update to the SuddenLink slow internet problem. You can read about it here. My Suddenlink internet is way too slow. And before anyone starts thinking “well, back in MY day we had dial-up only”, I totally remember using modem strings to basically overclock my modem, burning it out, then…
The Sugarbuzz Project is Ten Years Old
Holy crap! I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for ten years! I mean, if you really broke down the time I’ve spent actually working on this, it would be far, far less…but whatever. Ten years! I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t given up on the dream of running a blog, even though at times the…
Blog Income Report 2016
Happy new year! I’m glad 2016 is over with. It was just a bad year for people everywhere. Here’s hoping that 2017 will be better. Affiliate Earnings Report 2016 So. How much money did I earn in 2016? Well, to be honest, not that much. I’ll make this fast. Here’s the breakdown: AdSense: $27.59 Amazon…
How To Get Your Site Indexed by Google Quickly
You’ve just written a blog post. Yay! Now you’ve got to get traffic to it…but you have no idea how to get Google to crawl your site (other than just wait around hoping, thinking “man, seriously though, how long does it take Google to index a site?”) There are lots of marketers out there that…
Is Walmart’s Great Value Mustard Good?
Most of you have been grocery shopping before. And at some point, there was probably an internal debate about whether you should by the store brand or the name brand products. If you’re wanting to save money, you’d probably go with the store brand. Great Value brand is Wal-Mart’s store brand, and yes. It’s a…
The Major Problem With Almost All Personal Finance Blogs
Updated 10/27/2017 Some people will probably think of this post as whiny. And maybe it is. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been accused of being “ungrateful”…even if I AM grateful…for information like this. That being said, whining is definitely not my purpose for writing this. I just feel like this needs to be…
What the Blogging Gurus Don’t Tell You
I’m terrible at running a blog. No, really. It’s true! Just ask my 2016 income report. Just kidding. I haven’t written that post yet. Mostly because it would be really, really boring. The only thing I can think of that would be more boring would be being forced to read this awful piece of sh…
Is it still possible to make money blogging?
Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a trend among bloggers who used to write about how to make money with a blog. It seems as though enthusiasm is dropping off and people are less likely to begin jumping into this particular niche. I’m not really sure what is killing it, perhaps it’s because of…
How To Make Your Blog Suck Less
Last updated 2/20/2020 Every website has a story. The real question is, does your website tell yours? One of the most common design downfalls is the complexity of their web design, leaving readers bored and confused. Every blog owner really has to consider how user-friendly their site is, because if the website is too complex,…
5 Ways to Fight Bloggers Block
Guest post by McKinley Carbone Bloggers block is essentially the absence of inspiration for a blog post. Whether you are just starting a new blog, or you are a seasoned writer, sometimes blogging is just hard. There are endless possibilities to write about, yet there are times when your words just don’t flow. Here are five…