Last update: 2/22/2020

Executive Summary
Every marketing plan needs to have an executive summary. The executive summary gives an overview to your readers about your goals, vision, and mission of your plan. The executive summary should be brief, so that the readers will be able to easily read it. Also, writing an executive summary is important to potential investors because this is where they find the motive and the concept of your marketing plan.
Situation Analysis
The situation analysis is where you indicate your target market, target location and defining your business. Target market is important to indicate in your internet marketing plan because it gives your potential investors a view of what specifically are you targeting. Under situation analysis you also have to define your business. Also, when defining your business you have to focus on the benefits of the company and what you can offer to your possible investors.
Strategic Planning
This section is where you indicate which strategies that you plan to use to reach your marketing goals. One example of a marketing strategy that you can put in your marketing plan is to optimize your web site content. Stating strategies that you want to use has a great impact on presenting your internet marketing plan. It also details your tactics to be used in handling your competitors.
Competitive Analysis
The competitive analysis section of your business plan is where you give an analysis of your competition. BE SURE to do thorough research on this part. Knowing your competition is vital to your business and to your investors because they need to know how you will be able to compete.
Financial Analysis
This is the most crucial part of a marketing plan. In this section, you need to define the costs that you would be incurring while doing business. You will need to do a lot of research on this section, because it is very important to know how much it will cost to operate your business and have a projection on how much money you expect to make. Also, this section lets investors know if you believe that you can sustain your business. Analyzing your financial status will help you be wiser and far more effective in using your money to build the business.
Once you have thoroughly researched and written you internet marketing plan, it is best to put some conclusions to explain how you formulated your marketing plan. Write a statement that would convince your potential investors to support your marketing plan. The conclusion section should also depict the eagerness in acting your marketing plan that you have. Be brief, but still give a good recap of your plan so that the reader will be able to keep your plan in mind.
A marketing plan is essential to have because it serves to show that you have researched your market and have a clear plan for business. Many investors are searching online to find business plans. The internet is still growing and is more likely to have more options and strategies on how to make your marketing plan appealing to your prospected target market. And like any other marketing plan, an internet marketing plan is still the same. What is important is that you know what you are presenting to them and how you will be able to handle situations that will arise.
About the Author
Raphael Ricardo is young web entrepreneur, he shares his marketing tips on his personal blog He is the author of YouTube Cash System, A guide that defines a strategy for finding customers on YouTube.